Wednesday, April 6, 2011

when i hear the pager goes off i go to the firer stason and when i get there i get all of my gear on then i go get on the fire truck the when we get to the fire call i get the hose off of the fire truck. Then after i do that i go in to the fire or the building and put out the fire or do what i have to do to get done at the call. When  we get back to the fire stason we clean the hoses and stuff if we need to if we dont we with sing the pay book and go home. The fire dept. in storm lake has a fast responds time we have the 2nd fastes respons time in the state of Iowa.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

to be on the fire dept. you have to take a fire fight 1 class and a fire fighter 2 class. I like being on the fire dept. because  I like to help people.  The  other firefighter are like my family i would not leave them behind.  If i go in to a fire with a group i will come out with the group. The  fire dept. its like a sports team because you have to work together you have to be in relatively good shape. I like going to fire calls because i might be abel to help some one.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The calls I don't like to go to is car accidents. The recession i don't like going to car accidents is someone all ways gets hurt. Some car accidents people get killed thighs are hard to go to. I'v been in a lotes of car accidents that could of been hurt  bad. So I find it hard to go to a car accidents. when I get to the scene  my heart drops I start shaking and I get nerves. The calls I like going to is structure fires because you can going in to the burning building and cary people out and save their lives. I feel good when we get the fire out and every one is ok. The question that i get asked allot is "How do you run in to a burning building when every one is running out"? The awnser to that question is courage  when we are responding to a structure fires we all say this in the the firetruck  “ Give everyone what you owe him...... if respect then respect if honor,then honor”. Romans 13:8

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

smester test the fire trucks

The top fire truck is a pumper the second fire truck aerial an aerial is a ladder truck that goes higher than 1feet in the air. Some aerial have a basket the basket is so firefighters can rescue people easier. 
The lags on the aerial keep the truck from tipping. The mars light are the emergency lights. The ladder is on a boom. The boom is  what raises the ladder up and down. 

The pumper truck is to pump water through the hoses so they can put out the fire. They can control the pounds of presser of water that go through the hose.  They control the pump at the pump panel. The pump panel has lots of levers and has gages to tell what the water presser that is going through the hose. The pumper usually has has lots of hose is on it. The pumper has lots of hook ups for the hoses. the pics.

Monday, December 13, 2010

the fire dept.

The fire station in Storm lake  it has 10 rooms. The rooms are the chiefs office and a bed room that has to beds, the living room has 3 recliners a T.V and a couch, the next room is the kitchen the next room is a meeting room then there are two bath rooms and the truck room is where the fire trucks are kept. there is a shop that has the tools to work on the trucks with. The last room is a storage room where the stuff that we don't use a lot is where that stuff is stored. The Storm Lake fire dept. has 7 fire trucks

Monday, November 8, 2010


I like to be on the Storm Lake fire dept. On the 24th of October Storm Lake had a house fire. The fire started around 12 in the afternoon we were on the scene for 6 or 7 hours. The fire broke out in the garage and the house was totaled. The fire dept. has 7 firetrucks 34 firefighters. Firefighting is my passion,  I have been around the fire dept. since I was born. When I was 5, I started my garage on fire and I tried to put it out with a garden hose. So I guess I was destined to be a firefighter!